Property Damage Attorneys
Make no mistake, the other person’s insurance company is NOT your friend. They will ask for information, medical records, and just about everything else they can to dispute, delay, or diminish your claim. Insurance companies do not make huge profits by paying what they owe but rather deny what they owe, called an underwriting profit.
So you got into a car wreck; it’s not your fault; your car is damaged or destroyed, and you are hurt—maybe still in the hospital. The insurance people are sending you papers, calling you non-stop, or visiting you at the accident scene, your home, or the hospital. Tell all of them to go away! If you intend to hire a lawyer, don’t talk to the insurance companies.
You are hurt, confused, and maybe medicated. Now is not the time to give written or recorded statements: we will advise you when (or if) to do that.
Your Health
When you are hurt, you need someone with a deep understanding of the Austin medical community. No matter what happens legally, your recovery is the most important thing.
We focus on finding you the right healthcare providers and specialists in Austin. If you have questions about your injuries, your doctor, and want our opinion on the best course of action, please contact us.
At the same time, you have a damaged or wrecked vehicle…and the clock is ticking to get it fixed or totaled. There are many different situations you may be facing: you may have a car you just bought, but didn’t transfer the title to. You may have borrowed a friend’s car, hitched a ride, or been hit by someone who didn’t own the other car. You might owe more money on your car than your car is worth. Or maybe the other driver was intoxicated, or you got hit by a bus or a police car. All of these situations require very detailed legal analysis and quick action. Contact Allison and Ward. Our trusted Austin property damage lawyers.
Whatever you do, do not accept money and sign a release of your claims at an accident scene. Cab companies and some insurance companies do this on a regular basis, and you might find out later you are much more injured than you thought.